‘What is my skin tone?’ Quiz for best shopping experience

June 17, 2024

When a shopper wonders, “What is my skin tone”, a smart Selfie Quiz TM platform would come in handy for a quick skin tone determination. Plus these quizzes, if made properly, would also help in recommending the best of the products that the shopper must use for a soothing foundation and makeup experience.

But why is a Skin tone quiz important?

There are several reasons both from the shopper’s point of view as well as business point of view that makes the skin tone quiz so much useful. We have listed some of the reasons from the business point of view below:

Skin tone quizzes are the best personalisation tool:

As per a survey by Mckinsey, 76% of consumers get frustrated when companies don’t use personalization.

According to Fresh Relevance, personalised product recommendations can increase CTR by more than 100%, versus generic product recommendations.

Our own experience has shown that with personalization, companies can increase their revenue by 7x.

It is clearly evident that because of personalization through the skin tone quiz, a beauty business would gain the following benefits:

  • You will be able to multiple conversion to an unexpected extent that you cannot imagine without personalization.
  • You will be able to increase the Average Order Size, thus increasing sales.
  • More engagement with your brand thus building customer loyalty.
  • Due to personalised recommendations of products from the data you have acquired through skin tone quiz, the customer experience on your website and in the overall purchasing process will drastically improve.

With Skin tone quizzes you can grow your marketing list faster:

Every business wants to have the email ids of their customers to share updates and connect with them time to time. Businesses use several email marketing tools to acquire email addresses. But for beauty businesses, email acquisition tools are now old school and is a slow process compared to the Skin tone quizzes.

How does the Skin tone quiz work?

As a makeup artist would ask a lot of questions about your need, your skin type, what foundations suit you etc all to understand the right approach for a product recommendation. The same task is done through Skin tone quiz. These skin tone quizzes are getting smarter everyday and have, in time, completely changed the way people shop for makeup products online.

For example, there is a new technology we use for our client, called Selfie QuizTM platform  which is a type of eCommerce quiz where shoppers upload one of their selfies and our AI analyses their skin type, colour, tone, undertone etc followed by some quiz for a better accuracy when we recommend the most suitable products.

Here is a picture of how a Selfie based question works:

So now the question is, how would you create a “what is my skin tone quiz”?

How to make your own Skin tone finder?

It would be easier for you to let someone from our tech team do the job for you. But if you still want to DIY your way through it, you can use any of the many quiz makers available with a quick google search, and fill in these quizzes to get the accuracy of your skin tone quiz right.

{Please note, Although there is not much difference between questionnaires for finding skin tone or undertone, we will still mention the similar ones here.}

Skin tone quiz-1: What colour are the veins on your wrist?

Before you know your skin tone, it is mandatory for you to know your skin’s undertone. And what could a better way than the good old vein test.

Take a look at your veins under natural light to find out what colour they are. If you see veins that appear green, they may have warm undertones. If they look blue/purple, then you likely have cool undertones. You most likely have neutral undertones if they look blue/green or match the colour of your skin.

Skin tone quiz-2: What is the natural colour of your hair?

You need the user to know their hair colour without any artificial touch. Or if they dye their hair more often, you can ask them to find a picture of their childhood to check the hair colour with which they are born. Then answer the quiz question, whether it is,

  • Jet Black, Ask blonde, or have a brown shade
  • Shades of Red or Golden

Skin tone quiz-3: What colour are your eyes?

Eyes are the most important part of the face and if the foundation is slightly mismatched from the eye colour, it will certainly distinguish a flaw elaborately. Hence we need to know the eye colour of the shopper for a better understanding of the undertone and recommend the product accordingly. There can be several answers to this quiz question but all can be arranged in these three answers.

  • Black or dark.
  • Green or light brown
  • Grey, Blue

Skin tone quiz-4: What is the colour of the vein on the inner part of your arm

This is quite an obvious quiz question and goes without saying that it will help you in filtering out the right product with more accuracy about the skin undertone.

  • Blue or Purple
  • Green

Skin tone quiz-5: What kind of jewellery do you prefer?

Every shopper knows what looks good on them. Through this quiz question, you will be able to further narrow down the right undertone.

  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Okay with both

Skin tone quiz-6: What is your best colour shade for clothes?

Same as the jewellery quiz question this helps you to narrow down the right skin undertone.

  • Blue or Purple
  • Red or warm Yellow

Skin tone quiz-7: Do you wear white dress? What does your skin look like in white?

Like the vein quiz question, this question also helps you determine the skin undertone through comparison with white and figuring out, what stands out from your skin when the shopper is wearing white.

  • Rosy
  • Yellowish
  • Just fits in the White colour

Skin tone quiz-8: How does your skin behave under the sun?

The way a skin reacts to the sun is a good indicator of the person’s skin undertone.

  • You burn
  • You Tan