Enhance satisfaction, loyalty, and trust with our customer support dashboard.

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A dashboard for brands to track individual shopper progress

  • Skin Insights - Enhance skin and hair understanding with selfies and previous quiz data.
  • Smart Consultation - Boost sales with personalized upselling and cross-selling.
  • Complaint Management - Efficient complaint handling with comprehensive skin analysis.

Many Brands Love This Feature Including

The Impact

Decrease your return rate by 3X from our customer support dashboard!

The customer support team for the Tangent AI Quiz deserves special mention. They are responsive, knowledgeable, and go the extra mile to assist with any inquiries or issues. Their dedication to ensuring optimal app utilization has been instrumental in helping me leverage the app’s full potential.
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Tarik Bel Attar
Marketing Head, Bella Aura

Get Started Today

Ready to captivate your audience with Selfie Quiz? It's time to enhance your interactions and leave a lasting impact. Start your journey today!