AOV Plus

Focus on increasing AOV and boosting revenue?

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Routine Building

By integrating selfie analysis with quiz responses, we craft personalized beauty routines tailored to individual needs. These routines come with detailed guidance on how to use each product and the specific reasons for their recommendation. Routine products encourages consistent repeat orders in cycles.

Dynamic bundling

By bundling products together and providing an instant discount, shoppers are encouraged to complete their bundle purchases more quickly and effortlessly.

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Concerns upsell

By analyzing skin and hair attributes through selfie assessments, we can recommend products that address unique concerns. This personalized approach allows for targeted upselling and cross-selling across various categories using both selfie data and user preferences.

The Impact

Boost the Average Order Value of shoppers by minimum 3X with our AOV Plus solution through quiz completions.

The customer funnel built is intuitive, well marked and optimised for conversion and the team were professional and responsive throughout. Its a great product and would recommend for all sized businesses as theres enough customisable bandwidth to suit all needs. We also appreciated the broader tips around peformance marketing from the experienced team over there.
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Abbie Oguntade
CMO, Freya + Bailey Skincare

Get Started Today

Ready to captivate your audience with Selfie Quiz? It's time to enhance your interactions and leave a lasting impact. Start your journey today!