Why are quality lead generation important for online sales?

June 12, 2024
Quality leads are important for increasing topline

70% of marketers say improving the quality of leads is the most important objective in lead generation strategy (Ascend2 survey). Leads in quantity look lucrative but don’t add any significant value to the company.

Plus, bad leads are bad for business because a lot of resource is wasted in their acquisition.

What are Quality leads?

Quality leads are the potential shoppers who will purchase your products or service in the future. These are the types of prospects who match with product requirements which a company offers.

Also read: How to do better product launch with Ecommerce Quiz.

We measure the quality of lead by lead scoring set by the CRM. This lead scoring is based on the digital interaction of the shoppers. Here’s how,

Firstly, they are ranked on how they behave with your platform. You decide if they are quality leads with the ranking. Digital interaction means what they do when they browse your website.

While collecting quality leads is really important, knowing how to convert them into paying customers is also equally important.

The ultimate goal of any lead generation is the return on investment from the lead generation pipeline and impact on the top line.

With the help of better retargeting and personalization of the quality leads, you are focusing your energy efficiently to get smooth results.

There are ways to monitor the quality leads once they are onto your website :

Tracking with Google Analytics

Firstly, link the GA to your website. Secondly, set up the parameters in the GA according to your requirements. Lastly, track the shoppers, categorize them based on attributes and segment them.

Page visits

For some critical pages and the duration of time spent on a particular page, shoppers are assigned a high lead score. And based on their behavior, personalized retargeting can follow up.

Tracking visitors to assign scores


Based on the CTA clicked, shoppers are then segmented and targeted.


This image is an example of a quiz asked by Amazing Cosmetics. A great example of incorporating Artificial Intelligence in the beauty sector.

This is a new way of collecting data directly from the shoppers. This type of data is called Zero-party data (data directly collected from the shoppers).

Firstly, it is the best form of data one can get. Secondly, it is most accurate and precise. You get the best quality leads from the quizzes. You can checkout Tangent if you want to add a quiz to your platform, collect the Zero-party data and automate the whole marketing process, all at once.